Thompson Aderinkomi

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Ah, Ah, I Work Out!

LMFAO: "Ah ah I work out!"

P-Diddy: "I got to maintain the sexy"

Those are two of my favorite quotes from artists. Because they are about staying healthy to look good. The missing part is: for whom are you doing all that work.

I used to invest considerable amounts of time into lifting weights for myself. I wanted to be ripped, I wanted to bench 300 lbs while weighing in at only 150 lbs (and I did). It was me focused.

Now I lift weights and push my body for my lady. I want her to break a nail just accidentally brushing against my bicep. Now instead of eating 4 donuts I only eat 3!

Why do you work out? Why do you eat right? Keep your lady or man in your mind's eye when you do.

Don't work-out? Then start today. Start eating right too. It's all fine to want to be healthy for healthy's sake, but it is a completely different type of motivation to want to be healthy so you can be sexy for the person you want to think you are sexy.

Don't be weak - do those free weight squats all the way to 90 degrees for that special someone in your life.

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